Climate Resilient Connectivity
For the South Coast Ecoregion of California
The Institute for Ecological Management and Monitoring at San Diego State University partnered with the Climate Science Alliance and California Department of Fish and Wildlife to advance regional-scale climate-smart connectivity planning by applying cutting-edge approaches and best-practices in ecological science.
This methodological approach combines ensemble species distribution models with dynamic metapopulation models to advance connectivity modeling and planning approaches accounting for climate change, land-use shifts, and uncertainty. This novel complement of techniques has never been used before to develop a robust analysis of habitat-specific connectivity for multiple species. The project results support practical, proactive management of biodiversity under likely climate change scenarios by developing connectivity linkage maps for the South Coast Ecoregion.
Sponsors and Partners
San Diego State University
Institute for Ecological Monitoring and Management
Climate Science Alliance
California Department of Fish and Wildlife
State of California Wildlife Conservation Board