Our newest Affiliated Artist is Kris Moore, an experienced photojournalist and San Diego local. She describes her most recent series, "Fly Away, Breath" in a statement below.
"Humans do not belong in the icy waters off Southern California. This is not our place. It belongs to the fish and crustaceans, to dolphins, turtles, sharks, seals, and awe-inspiring whales. It belongs to the shorebirds and migrating flocks of ducks. This is not our place. We cannot survive in these waters. But neither can they if we don’t clean up after ourselves.
Where land meets ocean, the impact of humans is clear. Beaches are littered with human trash: plastic straws, balloons, bottle caps, cigarette butts. Plastic bags are useful in the grocery store, but are deadly to fish, birds and turtles when they are swallowed or wrapped around gills.
My series, Fly Away, Breath. is not intended as documentary. It began as a spoof on the suffocation hazards I’d been warned about since childhood, a commentary on depression, and a preference for anonymity, but I live near the ocean where plastic waste overwhelms some of our beaches, so over time this series has become a statement about the biohazards of plastic that affect not only sea creatures but humans as well."
A photo from the "Fly Away, Breath" will make its debut in the next Art of Change showing at the California Adaptation Forum from August 27-29, 2018. Check out the Art of Change dates here to see where it will be displayed next.
Follow along on our newest Affiliated Artists' journey by following her on instagram. See more of her work on her website.
Learn more about our Affiliated Artists program here.