Rosa Contreras
Climate Leadership Awardee
Co-founder of Instituto de Planeación Ambiental y Calidad de Vida, A.C. (INPACVI) and long-time Climate Science Alliance partner, Dr. Rosa Contreras develops projects related to landscape planning and conservation. Her focus on socio-ecological systems and the connection between humans and the environment gives her a highly needed approach to work in natural spaces. Dr. Contreras is a 2022 Binational Working Group Small Grantee, and is currently co-leading the first Binational Working Group Breakout Project with a focus on coastal bird species along a binational ecological corridor (San Quintín—San Diego). She has also been a professor at various universities, promoting the involvement of students and community members to foster sustainable development. Her years of work in natural landscapes lands at an intersection between climate resilience, sustainable community development, and nature as a key part of human health and wellness.