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Climate Science Alliance logos Final-01.

Building Resilience

Science-Focused Projects

Past Projects


Batiquitos Lagoon Resiliency Plan

Climate Scenario Plan for Batiquitos Lagoon

The Batiquitos Lagoon Resiliency Plan (BLRP) is a multi-pronged approach to understanding and planning for climate change impacts to the Batiquitos Lagoon Ecological Reserve.


Climate Change and the Baja California Peninsula

A Baja Working Group Report

This report provides an overview of what we know from available downscaled climate knowledge for the Peninsula, where research is needed, and opportunities for working collaboratively to advance climate science and solutions.


Climate Resilient Connectivity

For the South Coast Ecoregion of California

The Climate Resilient Connectivity Project supports practical, proactive management of biodiversity under likely climate change scenarios through connectivity linkage maps for the South Coast Ecoregion.


DUNAS Puerto Rico

Descendants United for Nature, Adaptation, and Sustainability

A community based, climate adaptation project focused on dune restoration for conserving biodiversity and cultural heritage in Hacienda la Esperanza Reserve in Puerto Rico.


La Jolla 2019 Climate Adaptation Plan

La Jolla Band of Luiseño Indians

The 2019 Climate Adaptation Plan for the La Jolla Band of Luiseño Indians is a living document that provides a foundation for the Tribe to address climate change impacts to a variety of sectors including natural resources, infrastructure and economy, health and wellness, and community and culture.


Manzanita Tribal Resilience Project

Building Climate Resilience for ‘Synaaw and the People

The Manzanita Band of the Kumeyaay Nation is moving forward with a vision to protect and conserve the lands under their stewardship. The Climate Science Alliance team is honored to take part and support the Tribe in creating the Manzanita Tribal Resilience Project – one part of a larger effort to address climate impacts and build resilience into the future.


Marshes on the Margins

Developing Tidal Wetlands Adaptation Strategies

By building upon the Southern California Wetland Recovery Project’s collaborative structure, the Marshes on the Margins project developed guidance and tools for wetland management.


Resilient Coastlines Project

of Greater San Diego

The Resilient Coastlines Project of Greater San Diego represents a regional and multi-faceted approach to building coastal resilience among multiple jurisdictions.


Resilient Roots

Climate-Smart Agriculture & Food Systems

Working collaboratively with regional producers and growers to understand the region's agricultural landscape, opportunities for climate-smart practices, and the potential for water resilience in a changing climate.


San Diego County Ecosystems Assessment

The Ecological Impacts of Climate Change on a Biodiversity Hotspot

The San Diego County Ecosystems Assessment is a technical report for California's Fourth Climate Change Assessment that provides an overview of the state of the science for climate change impacts to ecosystems and species in the region with specific guidance for managers.


Valuing Carbon Sequestration in Natural Landscapes

Ongoing Efforts and Future Opportunities

California’s chaparral ecosystems have been largely excluded from carbon sequestration evaluations and planning due to lack of understanding about carbon dynamics in these systems. However, chaparral is the most extensive vegetation type in the state with potential for above- and below-ground carbon storage.

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Safeguarding natural and human communities in the face of a changing climate


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The Climate Science Alliance Team acknowledges the Indigenous peoples on whose traditional territory we work and live. We honor the continued presence and resilience of Indigenous communities and nations today, and thank those we work with for your friendship and your good will in our efforts to collaborate.


The Climate Science Alliance is fiscally sponsored by the California Wildlife Foundation (Tax ID: 68-0234744).

© Climate Science Alliance 2025

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