Explore projects led or supported by the Binational Working Group using the filters below:

Coastal Resilience in the Baja California - San Diego Region
An Assessment of Science Assets, Gaps, and Priorities
The goal of this assessment was to identify relevant binational expertise and assets valuable to coastal resilience efforts, and gather input on science needs and priorities, in order to inform the development of a binational research agenda and outreach framework.

Sharing the Coast
Opportunities and strategies for accelerating coastal resilience in the San Diego-Baja California Region
The purpose of this document is to outline a strategic vision for enhancing coastal resilience in the San Diego-Baja California Region through binational collaboration. It draws from a needs assessment led by California Sea Grant and the Climate Science Alliance. This vision document identifies key opportunities and actionable strategies that integrate scientific research, traditional knowledge, and innovative practices to support resilient coastal communities and ecosystems. By fostering cross-border partnerships, expanding research capabilities, and engaging diverse stakeholders, this document aims to guide efforts towards a more resilient future for our shared coastline.

Ecological Network for Shorebirds in the San Diego - San Quintín Corridor
A Binational Working Group Breakout Project
The Binational Working Group’s breakout project “Ecological Network for Shorebirds in the San Diego - San Quintín Corridor” is led alongside Instituto de Planeación Ambiental y Calidad de Vida A.C. (INPACVI).

Building Local Capacity for Kelp Forest Restoration
A Binational Working Group 2023 Small Grants Recipient
The Binational Working Group funds will kick-start an integrative, efficient, long-term, and sustainable restoration effort by organizing meetings, workshops, and diving trips with local fishers and scuba diving clubs.

Interpretive Hiking Trail at the Cucapá Community
A Binational Working Group 2023 Small Grants Recipient
This interpretative hiking trail seeks to awaken the curiosity of hikers about the biodiversity and ancestral culture of the Cucapá community for the development of positive values of the relationships between society and nature.

Chronologs to Monitor Coastal Ecosystem Changes
A Binational Working Group 2023 Small Grants Recipient
This project will install two Chronologs® in Bahía de San Quintín (BSQ). Chronologs are a monitoring tool that have a fixed frame where visitors to a natural area can place their cell phones on the frame and take a photo.