Team Planning Update
Team Research Goals
Collect information to guide management of multiple uses of natural lands
Identify targets for acquisition and restoration to improve climate resilience of communities and natural lands
Create an integrated multiple-benefit framework for land-use planning that can support conservation planning
Developed the study area for the project by ranking areas based on factors such as data availability, percentage of wildland-urban interface, and more
Reviewed jurisdictional plan status and content to guide outreach, data development, and delivery
From data gathered in the study area on current planning policies and mechanisms, developed a metric of "Institutional Propensity" on how likely a jurisdiction would be to use new data and tools to improve planning processes
Compiled a survey for planners to understand how the CWC project outputs can best be delivered to support current and future planning efforts
Tabulate survey results from planners and form a technical advisory group to ensure the data we develop and our methods of delivery best suit the needs of local and regional planners
Identify case study opportunities for implementing these developed tools to help guide planning decisions