Art by Audrey Carver • Arte por Audrey Carver.
My Kumeyaay name is
Mi nombre Kumiai es
I'm also known as
También se me conoce como
California buckwheat
Eriogonum fasciculatum
Learn more about me • Más información sobre mí
I am a short, shrubby plant with small, pointed, gray-green leaves that feel leathery on the top and soft on the underside. In the spring, I grow tight clusters of tiny white and pink flowers which become rust colored in the summer and fall. I am an important source of food or shelter for many animals, including birds, native pollinators, honey bees, and butterflies at all stages of life. My roots hold soil in place and can help prevent erosion during increasingly intense storms due to climate change. I am a keystone species for sagebrush scrub ecosystems, meaning I am very important for wildlife in many ways and can help other species survive as the climate is changing.