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Catch up on the latest from the Climate Science Alliance team and partners!
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Climate Science Alliance joins collaboration to launch Climate Kids Caribbean
The goal of this collaborative project is to help reduce the effects and vulnerabilities to climate change and extreme climate events and...
Jan 12, 20221 min read

DUNAS Project Boardwalk Construction Underway
Read about how the DUNAS team is pivoting to the building of an interpretive boardwalk trail within the dunes restoration site in today’s...
Dec 10, 20212 min read

Limpieza Internacional de Costas / International Coastal Cleanup
DUNAS volunteer leader, Stephanie Camacho tells us about the coastal clean-up efforts the DUNAS team participated in, and what it taught...
Nov 5, 20214 min read

Cambios en la Duna a través del tiempo / Changes in the Dunes Over Time
Este blog ha sido escrito por MarÃa Eugenia del RÃo, una de las voluntarias lÃderes del proyecto DUNAS, la cual nos cuenta desde su rol...
Oct 22, 20215 min read

Mariela’s Field Notes: Cierre mi viaje a Puerto Rico, unas palabras para los voluntarios
In today’s blog, Mariela closes her field notes blog series with a reflection on the hurdles the DUNAS team has overcome, and the great...
Sep 28, 20212 min read

¡Notas de Campo del Equipo DUNAS!
Este verano los lÃderes del proyecto DUNAS, junto con un grupo de voluntarios dedicados, regresaron al campo para recolectar datos sobre...
Sep 23, 20212 min read

Summer Reflections & Field Notes from Team DUNAS!
Over the summer, DUNAS project leaders, alongside many dedicated volunteers, returned to the field to gather data on ongoing dune...
Sep 23, 20212 min read

Mariela’s Field Notes: De vuelta a la Duna #1
Nearing the end of the summer field seasons, the DUNAS team returns to Dune #1 to do final surveys of the dune, continue building up the...
Sep 21, 20213 min read

Mariela’s Field Notes: Censo de vegetación y Fauna en Duna #2
Mariela Declet Pérez, a Project Lead for the DUNAS project, is back with another update from the field. Establishing a baseline of...
Sep 17, 20213 min read

Sara’s Field Notes: Mi experiencia con Exploradores de DUNAS
Volunteer leader Sara Rosario writes about her adventures biking to the dunes, and the many things she learned along the way. Read...
Sep 10, 20215 min read
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