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Meet CSA Affiliated Artist, Arpita Choudhury

Arpita illustrates and writes about science news and issues through her blog "The Science of Illustration". Her blog posts and artwork gravitate towards conservation, climate change, genetics, evolution, and environmental science. She studied marine science at the University of Miami and environmental science at the University of Rhode Island. In a previous life she was a fisheries geneticist and invertebrate molecular biologist. Most recently she dwelled in the world of wildlife policy with a focus on climate change and wildlife disease. Currently she is interested in using the visual arts as a tool for educating the general public about science.

The piece shown in this post, Wildlife on the Brink, is an example of Choudhury's masterful ability to create visually stimulating and thought-provoking art to illustrate complex scientific concepts such as climate change, environmental health, invasive species, genetics, and more. At first glance, Wildlife on the Brink appears to contain a random assortment of species, however, all of these species have one thing in common: climate change. The populations of each species in this piece are suffering from the increasing spread of disease across the globe and across wildlife taxa. Choudhury believes that humans should take notice of global animal health as it can serve as a greater indicator of global environmental health and in turn, human health. Choudhury uses art to show that we are all connected.

Choudhury will be working with the Climate Science Alliance to create visual aids and art to illustrate the scientific processes of climate change. These aids will be excellent resources for educators teaching about climate change.

Read more on Arpita's blog at

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