Under the umbrella of the Climate Science Alliance, a team of ecologists and climatologists conducted a review of the most current, regionally specific climate information and paired that with current research on local species and habitats of the South Coast that are at risk due to climate variability and other stressors. The “San Diego Ecosystems: The Ecological Impacts of Climate Change on a Biodiversity Hotspot” assessment was unveiled by the scientists themselves at the inaugural San Diego Climate Summit. Attendees of the day-long summit engaged in a deeper dive on the report chapters highlighting specific interactions, such as how lack of deep soil moisture after prolonged drought makes oak trees more susceptible to pest infestations. The full assessment is a part of California's Fourth Climate Change Assessment, which will be available Summer 2018.
The Alliance’s mission is to bring the community together to pursue science-based solutions for regional resilience — to do this, communication of the science is important. We’ve created a summary report of the San Diego County Ecosystems assessment, available for download here. This report summarizes the 150+ page assessment in a 34-page magazine format, serving as an easily accessible resource for practitioners.
Stay tuned for another summary report geared towards all levels of our community, including youth and educators.