On May 1st, the Climate Science Alliance's Climate Kids program brought science, art, and storytelling to 4th graders at Barnard Elementary to teach them about climate change impacts to local ecosystems. Barnard Elementary students got to put lab coats on and become scientists for the day by participating in Climate Kids Traveling Trunk hands-on activities and demonstrations about ocean acidification.
Ambassadors from MIssion Bay High School joined in on the fun and engaged students through storytelling and a special 'Zine' art activity with recycled paper and nature-themed magazines. In their 'Zines,' the 4th grade students included stories and inspirations about climate-minded choices. The ambassadors also read the second edition "Here Today Gone Tomorrow," a book created by Climate Kids in San Marcos which teaches how climate change in affecting endangered animals.
Students also got a chance to visit Cabrillo National Monument tidepools for a special Climate Kids science field trip in late May.
View the photos below of this awesome program that reached about 50 students!