Spring 2018 was a busy season for Climate Kids. Climate Kids Traveling Trunks have been flying off the shelves and teachers have been very receptive to the resources available in the trunks and opportunities that go beyond the material alone. Our team at the Alliance has been fortunate enough to partner with Fulton K-8, a Title 1 school in Skyline to bring new climate science activities and hands-on learning opportunities to the school. 5th grade teacher Cindy Trunzo (pictured in the photo to the right) piloted out all three of our Climate Kids Traveling Trunks in her class, teaching students about the importance of Pollinators, Carnivores, and Ocean Ecosystems and how human-induced climate change is effecting our natural resources and most importantly, what we can do to help!

Our Pollinators trunk featured live Painted Lady
butterflies for the students to release into their new and flourishing school garden. The garden was created to cater to the needs of all grade levels, whether providing touch and smell areas for Kinder-1st graders or herb and vegetables for the school kitchen. The garden even features a succulent rain barrel for the kids to learn about sustainable living practices. This school has a special eye toward science education and Climate Kids is always looking to create innovative opportunities to engage undeserved youth on climate change topics through our programs. On Thursday, June 7th we were invited to bring a special Climate Kids assembly to the students who used our educational resources.

San Diego County Parks and Recreation’s interpretative educational performance group
“Biomimicry”, who are also Affiliated Artists with the Climate Science Alliance, hosted the joint assembly with us. This Climate Kids x Biomimicry joint assembly engaged a group of 120 1st-5th grade students through hands-on activities about climate change, the animals and habitats affected, and how we can all help make a difference. Climate Kids provided a hands-on demo about climate change and Biomimicry lead an interactive performance using popular songs tailored to climate change science messaging.
A huge thank you to Biomimicry’s Michelle Levesque, Alex Wild, and Brian Ek for providing this amazing experience for the kids. We received praise from Fulton K-8 Room 9 teacher, who said “This is the most engaged our students have ever been at an assembly!” We look forward to working together again soon!
Find out more about Climate Kids and our Affiliated Artist program at: http://www.climatesciencealliance.org/green.