The Climate Kids team is excited to join forces with High Tech High in Point Loma this semester to explore the essential question of “What Inspires Change?” and develop Traveling Trunks to help educate and inspire the local community.

The United Nations has developed seventeen goals to achieve a better and sustainable future for all. These goals address global challenges we all face, including poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, prosperity, and peace and justice.
To address these goals, biology and humanities students in the 11th-grade at High Tech High - Point Loma will be working alongside the Climate Science Alliance and other nonprofits to help make sustainable change on a local level in a project called “Out of the Box.” Working in groups of five, students will meet with a community partner, interview them on the problem they’re trying to solve and develop an educational resource for these groups to use.
The Climate Science Alliance is excited to connect with students to create Traveling Trunks focused on climate impacts to San Diego and beyond. Just this past week, our Climate Kids team met with the students to discuss the Climate Science Alliance, our model, and our impact in the community.
Stay tuned to see what the students of High Tech develop!

To learn more about Climate Kids and our Traveling Trunk program, please visit: