The goal of this collaborative project is to help reduce the effects and vulnerabilities to climate change and extreme climate events and develop relationships and connections to foster further learning and technology transfer of climate-smart solutions in Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands.

The Climate Science Alliance is joining a collaborative project among the USDA Caribbean Climate Hub, Cooperative Extension at the University of the Virgin Islands and the University of Puerto Rico, and Winrock International to generate and deliver region- and sector-specific information on climate change science, observed trends, expected future scenarios, and adaptation and mitigation solutions.
The goal of the project is to help reduce the effects and vulnerabilities to climate change and extreme climate events and develop relationships and connections to foster further learning and technology transfer of climate-smart solutions in Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands. Project activities will focus on learning, action, and evaluation.
Specifically, the Climate Science Alliance will expand existing Climate Kids efforts into the region. The Climate Kids-Caribbean Pilot Project will include bilingual tools and resources about regionally specific climate science and climate-smart agriculture, and an associated K-12 teacher training so that teachers in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands can continue to provide the knowledge and tools to K-12 children now and into the future. This project will continue to build up Climate Kids programming initiated in Puerto Rico in 2019.