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Mariela’s Field Notes: Comienzo de trabajos de restauración en la duna #2

The DUNAS team was eager to begin restoration of a second dune, and overcame a cloudy and rainy day to take their baseline measurements and begin the restoration process. Learn about what steps they took, and what’s next for dune #2 on today's blog.

El equipo se siente súper emocionado de poder comenzar los trabajos de restauración en la segunda duna. Este día comenzó nublado y con lluvia, pero esto no paró nuestros ánimos y ganas de trabajar. La primera fase de este día consistió en levantar el primer perfil del área para utilizarlo como base para la medición del progreso de la restauración. Luego pasamos a establecer los sistemas de biomimética. Para esto, creamos cuatro sistemas y utilizamos material orgánico como bambú para crear unos mini canales para permitir la acumulación de arena en otras partes de la duna. Por último, se tomaron mediciones de corrientes, oleaje y velocidad del viento. The team is super excited to be able to start the restoration work on the second dune. The day started out cloudy and rainy, but this did not stop our spirits and desire to work. The first phase of this day consisted of raising the first profile of the area to use as a basis for measuring the progress of the restoration. Then we went on to establish the biomimetic systems, for this we created four systems and we used organic material such as bamboo to create mini channels to allow for the accumulation of sand in other parts of the dune. Finally, current, wave, and wind speed measurements were taken.

En la próxima visita a esta duna estaremos instalando letreros con arte hecha por los voluntarios para educar a las personas sobre el proceso de restauración de las dunas. On the next visit to this dune, we will be installing signs with art made by volunteers to educate the public on the dune restoration process.

Fotos del proceso / Photos of the process:


This project is made possible through a 2018 Climate Adaptation Fund grant from the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) entitled, “Puerto Rico se Levanta: Learning from extreme events to build and sustain a resilient future". Support to establish the Climate Adaptation Fund was provided by a grant to the WCS from the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation.

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