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Rise Art Show
The Climate Science Alliance, in collaboration with partners of the 2019 Southwestern Tribal Climate change Summit, curated this exhibition of incredible artists to celebrate resilience and overcoming insurmountable odds in the face of our changing climate.
At the culmination of this event, many of these pieces were integrated into the Art of Change collection and continue to inspire and empower our community of change.
Amanda Gormon - Roland Rollinmud - Tomaso Marcolla - Troy Schalge - Adi Khen - Lia Suprunenko - Elaine Zhang - Lee Baek - Nahyun Sung - Silin Huang - Di Bo - Seoyen Lee - Veronica Faulks - Rachel Welch - Judith Toepel - Huellas Volcánicas - Audrey Carver - Joan Green - Climate Kids Tribes
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